UX/UI Research
Goal: Dive deep into the mind of our users to eliminate uncertainty and guesswork.
User Story / Jobs-to-be-done
A user story is a brief – yet specific - scenario stating what the user wants to accomplish by using the product. It describes the most basic goal of a user,
such as signing up for a new account, finding the checkout, contacting support, etc
Because they are short and specific, it takes a number of user stories in order to align the design with users’ goals. Nevertheless, they are an effective way
to organize and prioritize design tasks.
Implementing user stories during our design process helps me accomplish three things:
* User stories ensure design is user-focused;
* User stories clarify design process to avoid feature creeps;
* User stories coordinate various stages of the design process;
I share our user stories through a collaborative method where the client and various stakeholders can add any stories they feel are missing.
I also utilize job stories to help me define user tasks in product design. In short, a job story focuses on the ‘jobs that need to be done’ with an emphasis on
context, causality, and motivation, as opposed to assumptions and personas.
Example of jobs-to-be-done